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So last week was a good week to start working at Amnesty, and witness the power of cumulative direct action to invoke a change that will have positive and far-reaching international repercussions. On 1 September, Amnesty welcomed the...
Here's a link to my latest article for Al Jazeera.… Thanks for your time. Billy Briggs.
Today (6 September) is Independence Day in Swaziland, but for the ordinary people, independence has led to neither freedom nor prosperity. The last remaining feudal dictatorship in Africa has created one of the world's poorest country...
Attacks on olive trees has become part of the modus operandi of the aggressive settler communities in the West Bank. In July alone (see this UNOCHA report for more information), the small town of Burin south of Nablus had their olive...
Highlights Updates on Detentions and Disappearances Related to the “Jasmine Revolution” Crackdown: The procuratorate has sent back the “creating a disturbance” case against Beijing lawyer Ni Yulan ( 倪玉兰 ) , who was also charged with...