About me
Digital Engagement and Campaigns at Amnesty International UK
Amnesty International Scotland's Programme Director Neil Cowan writes about his hopes and ambitions for the Scottish human rights movement in 2025.
About me
Campaign Manager - Crisis & Tactical. My current focus is managing our Syria and Israel/Palestine work as well as ensuring we respond effectively to crisis situations.
Likes - Traveling, footy, dogs (mine), good food, climbing, drumming, good music (jazz, funk, unclassified and my own, floating in the sea, not getting caught.
You can find me on Twitter as @KreaseChan
A Survivor of Assad's Dungeons Reflects on the Fall of the Regime By Mansour Omari The monumental, exhilarating, dream-like events in Syria surprised many foreign officials and journalists. Their instant reactions focused on how this...
About me
Shao Jiang, a former prisoner of conscience for his active role in the 1989 pro-democracy movement, is a committed activist-scholar, who lives and works in exile in London. The academic interests focus on politics and media, social movement, democratisation, feminism, law in PRC and Hong Kong, autonomy & sovereignty & self-determination, international Human Rights mechanisms, comparative studies on development models and political institutions, theory and practice of Civil Society. Publications include Citizen Publications in China before the Internet (Palgrave, 2015).
The CCP's repression of human rights and its obstruction of efforts to safeguard human rights have worsened human rights globally. The basic principle of human rights is that human rights are above any authority.
About me
I am the Refugee and Migrant Rights Programme Director at Amnesty International UK. My areas of expertise include forced migration, and UK policy and practice on immigration, asylum and citizenship where I have extensive experience. I have worked on successive immigration bills since 2006 and I wrote Amnesty’s response to the Home Office Windrush lessons learned review. Follow me @stevesymondsAI
Steve Valdez-Symonds, Amnesty International UK’s Refugee & Migrant Rights Programme Director, explores the theme of this year’s Refugee Week: Home.